
Exploring the edges of the mic database

Friday, March 13th, 2009 | by

Microphone data can be pretty drab. Well, unless you’re me… but that would be weird.

Anyway, I think it gets more interesting when it’s stacked up and sliced open. I’ve just begun to do that on a prototype new feature called Zeitgeist.

The Zeitgeist page shows the most popular mic profiles on this site — the mics everybody seems the most interested in. It also shows the least interesting mic profiles, as evidenced by the fact that pretty much nobody has ever seen them at all.

Three other lists show the lowest-noise mics, the microphones with the most published reviews, and a list of what I consider to be the most versatile mics — the amplifier bodies that have the biggest collections of compatible capsules.

None of these rankings are fixed; as the database gets bigger, this page will continue to shine a light on the extremes.

The name of the page is an homage to the source of the idea, LibraryThing, whose Zeitgeist page carries the slogan, “Firehose meet mouth.”

Fortunately, there are a lot more books than microphones in this world.

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